Friday, February 22, 2008

What the whole Chalk River fiasco was really all about...

I admit, I originally thought that the idea that the Chalk River "emergency" was actually a "manufactured crisis" was too far of a leap. Surely the government and AECL wouldn't conspire to create a false crisis just so that they could replace a nuclear regulator who's primary concern was nuclear safety, with a nuclear regulator who's primary concern was "doing whatever big business wants you to do". Then again...

Today, I realize that I'm just not cynical enough, and that I shouldn't just assume that our government would be more concerned about nuclear safety than kowtowing to big business just because they're "honourable" or "public-minded". Turns out, before Linda Keen's body is even cold, and while her federal court challenge to her firing is still pending the new Tory-appointed (turnabout is fair play) head of CNSC is bending over backwards to do EXACTLY WHAT AECL WANTS HIM TO.

Clearly the Tory plan all along was to gut a nuclear safety regulator with a spine in order to replace her with the more traditional "Anything you want Mr. Nuclear industrialist, Sir" regulator. I apologize to everyone who tried to tell me that the Tories were this crass.

Clearly, they are.

At this point, I don't see why the Tories don't just dismantle the CNSC and make the nuclear industry self-regulating. I'd rather have NO nuclear safety regulator than one with its collective heads so far...



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pogge said...

I'm betting your last link is actually supposed to go to this. Nice catch. Link coming.

Anonymous said...

Could we expect anything better from this appointed person? Isn't the DM of Industry on the board of AECL? And this person was an ADM at Industry before his "promotion"? I thought he was a specialist in Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications - not a Nuclear Safety specialist...

Lord Kitchener's Own said...

Exactly pogge.

Damn blogger messed up my link!

I'll fix it right away, thanks!

Harold Asmis said...

I *really* don't think they have the brains to have rigged this up. Most likely, they just went with the flow for 'out with the old toadie', and in with the new. What's the guess on how long this new guy in in charge? As long as Harper?