Friday, February 17, 2006

Gold AND Silver for CANADA!!!!

Canadians Duff Gibson and Jeff Pain won gold and silver respectively for Canada in men's skeleton today.

Congratulations gentlemen! Very well done!!!

Congrats also to Canadian Paul Boehm who placed fourth.

3 of 6 medals... who knew we were such a skeleton powerhouse!

We now have 11 medals at Torino, just 7 shy of our best finish ever!

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Mike said...

Canada is a nation that has yet to be converted to true christianity. therefore they do not have the full truth and must join our church right away! Oh, and don’t try to be witty and leave a comment on my site. Just know that I have and will always win against your kind.
God 1
sinners 0

Lord Kitchener's Own said...

Well, that was weird!

Does he think we're WORSHIPPING the gold and silver?

Also, I'm not sure where he got that score from, but the God I know has been around since before the beginning of time.

He's scored a lot more than once.